Implant and Ridge-Widening Surgeries:
- Dentures, partials, flippers, or an Essix® may not be worn over the sites until they have been checked and/or adjusted by Dr. Brown.
Implant Patients:
- A temporary prosthesis is for aesthetics only — NO BITING OR CHEWING IS ALLOWED. If an immediate temporary crown is placed on the implant, there is NO BITING OR CHEWING on the crown for the entire healing time.
All-on-4 Patients:
- The temporary prosthesis that you are wearing is for aesthetics only and is not meant to chew anything harder than baked fish. Chewing anything more on the prosthesis will cause FAILURE of the implants.
Special Instructions and Information:
If an injection was given in the shoulder to help reduce swelling, this medication may cause flushing of the face tomorrow. Sedated patients need help in getting up and down for 6–8 hours until they are more awake.
If a perio-pack was placed to the area, this is a protective band-aid and should stay on as long as possible.
If a partial or denture has been placed, we suggest that you wear it continuously for the first week and remove it only for rinsing. Your dentist may want to see you soon after your surgery to make adjustments on your prosthesis.
Report any of the following:
- Tell us if you experience increased swelling later than the third day after surgery.
- Let us know if you experience increased discomfort not relieved by medication.
- Tell us if you experience elevated temperature.
One week following surgery, areas will be examined and any sutures (stitches) may be removed. If you have any questions or problems, call (985) 643-1010 (Slidell) or (985) 624-8877 (Mandeville).