Please be advised that antibiotics and many other medications can decrease the effectiveness of birth control pills.
Day of Surgery
If given an ice pack, place it on the surgical side of your face as soon as you get home (30 minutes on and 30 minutes off while awake).
- You may start with two ibuprofen (Advil® or Motrin® 400 mg total) when you get home and can take two ibuprofen every 4 hours.
- You may add one Tylenol® (325–500 mg, do not exceed 3000 mg in a 24-hour period) with the ibuprofen or take between the doses of ibuprofen. The prescription medicine should ONLY be taken as the third-line medication.
- The antibiotics should be taken as directed until finished.
- If a prescription steroid was given for swelling, take as directed until finished.
Gauze has been placed at each extraction site. Bite firmly and consistently on the gauze for 1 hour, then remove the gauze. If you note excessive redness in the mouth, this is likely blood-stained saliva. Gently rinse with cold water and wipe the mouth with dry gauze. At this point the new blood clots in the sites will stain any new gauze and still lightly stain the saliva. Tasting some blood is normal. If excessive bleeding continues, place a lightly moistened tea bag at the surgical site, and bite firmly and consistently for 30 minutes.
While numb, eat cold soft foods that do not require chewing (smoothies, pudding, ice cream, and shakes). Once the numbing medication has worn off, you may resume a normal diet as tolerated. You may use a straw. Do NOT eat nuts, seeds, or popcorn until cleared by Dr. Brown.
Resume physical activity as tolerated. When you feel ok, it is fine to work out or perform other physical tasks. You can resume strenuous physical activity the day after your procedure if you feel well enough to do so.
Brush your teeth on the day of surgery (rinse your mouth gently). Be aware that minor bleeding may occur at the surgical site when brushing. This is no cause for alarm. Please lightly brush the surgical site to prevent plaque accumulation.
Post-Op Day 1
- Use Peridex™ mouth rinse (if prescribed) as directed on the bottle.
- Begin warm salt water rinses (¼ teaspoon salt to a full glass of warm water).
- Eat a regular diet, as tolerated.
- Aspirin, ibuprofen, or Tylenol® may be all that is needed for discomfort.
Post-Op Day 2
- If given a syringe, you will start using it today. Fill with tap water and place the tip into the lower wisdom teeth areas. Flush the area of any trapped debris.
Post-Op Day 3
- If any swelling occurs it will peak by the third day and then start resolving.
- Continue oral rinses, as directed.
Implant and Ridge Widening Surgeries:
- Dentures, partials, flippers, or an Essix may not be worn over the sites until they have been checked and/or adjusted by Dr. Brown.
Implant Patients:
- A temporary prosthesis is for aesthetics only–NO BITING OR CHEWING IS ALLOWED. If an immediate temporary crown is placed on the implant, there is NO BITING OR CHEWING on the crown for the entire healing time.
All-on-4® Patients:
- The temporary prosthesis that you are wearing is for aesthetics only and is not meant to chew anything harder than baked fish. Chewing anything more on the prosthesis will cause FAILURE of the implants.
Sedated patients need help to get up and down for 6–8 hours or until anesthesia has fully worn off.
Sinus precautions
- Your surgery was in the sinus area, and for this reason, these extra instructions have been given for your proper healing and comfortable recovery.
- Do not blow your nose.
- If you feel a sneeze coming–open your mouth to equalize the pressure.
- Do not smoke.
- Take prescription medications as directed.
- Do not be alarmed if you have a nosebleed. This may or may not happen. If it does occur, stop your activity, sit in a recliner, and apply an ice pack (10 minutes on and 10 minutes off) to the side of the nosebleed.
A partial or denture has been placed. We suggest that you wear it continuously for the first week and remove it only for rinsing. Your dentist may want to see you soon after your surgery to make adjustments on your prosthesis.
- Increased swelling later than the third day after surgery.
- Increased discomfort, not relieved by medication.
- Elevated temperature.
One week following surgery, areas will be examined and any sutures (stitches) may be removed. If you have any questions or problems, call (985) 643-1010 (Slidell) or (985) 624-8877 (Mandeville).